Video: The Roots

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Philadelphia Hip-Hop Band The Roots have a new single out and about for the masses, 75 Bars from the upcoming Rising Down album, that's scheduled to drop on April 29, 2008 on Def Jam Records.

I personally like the track (beatwise and with flow, Black Thought kills it and keeps it interesting) as well as the video imagery...

Hopefully this new album won't be too far out there for average Hip-Hop heads to grasp onto immediately (the Phrenology LP, anyone? Mad heads I knew thought while music it was cool, the tone was a bit too artsy-fartsy, as it were.).

Here you go...what do y'all think?

The Roots - 75 Bars

The Roots - 75 Bars mp3 Download

The Roots Official MySpace Page
The Roots Official Website

Bonus Video: The Roots - The Next Movement (classic track and video)