What's the good word this Tuesday Evening to our BlackRadioIsBack.com & FuseBox Radio Broadcast Fam!:)
We're back at it again with the latest mixtape of our "Return of Real Black Radio" mixtape series (grab up the 1st 2 volumes if you haven't already here) - mixed & hosted by yours truly, DJ Fusion, called Coast 2 Coast DJs Present: Return of Real Black Radio, Hip-Hop & R&B Vol. 3.
This mixtape - just like our previous installments - consists of totally clean/radio friendly songs (so folks can blast it at the 9 to 5, parental figure types, etc. due to the lack of blatant curses and whatnot) of some great mainstream & independent Hip-Hop & Soul Music.
Whenever you have a chance, PLEASE go to the each of the music artist's websites linked in the tracklisting to check out more of their material - if you like it support them the best way you can (spreading the word, purchasing product, going to shows, etc.)!
As always, much respect and love for all of the support and PLEASE let folks know how you feel about the Coast 2 Coast DJs Present: Return of Real Black Radio, Hip-Hop & R&B Vol. 3 release - hope you enjoy it! :)
Coast 2 Coast DJs Present: Return of Real Black Radio, Hip-Hop & R&B Vol. 3
Hosted & Mixed By DJ Fusion (FuseBox Radio/BlackRadioIsBack.com)
Return Of Real Black Radio, Hip-Hop & R&B Vol. 3 by Fuseboxradio on Mixcloud
Download Link (zip file w/ separate mp3 tracks, cover & tracklisting)
Download Link (podcast ready mp3)

Feel free to go to the mixtape link at DatPiff.com, rate the mixtape & give feedback there as well!
1. Jeru The Damaja - Invasion (http://www.myspace.com/jeru)
2. Mos Def feat. Slick Rick - Auditorium (http://www.myspace.com/mosdef)
3. Aaliyah - More Than A Woman (R.I.P.)
4. Mary Mary feat. Ne-yo - God In Me RMX (http://www.myspace.com/therealmarymary)
5. Ed O.G. & Masta Ace are A&E - Little Young (http://www.myspace.com/mastaaceofficial & http://www.myspace.com/edogboston)
6. Tone Trump feat. Rosco P. Coldchain & Milli Millionz - Freedom of Speech (http://www.myspace.com/tonetrump)
7. Johnny Polygon - Dreams (http://www.johnnypolygon.com)
8. Ledisi - Everything Changes (http://www.ledisi.com)
9. JAY ARE (John Robinson & J. Rawls) - It's JAY ARE (http://www.myspace.com/thejohnrobinsonproject & http://www.myspace.com/jrawls)
10. Willie The Kid - Aviation (http://www.myspace.com/thewilliethekid)
11. Wayne Wonder - Back Biters (http://www.myspace.com/waynewonder4life)
12. Wale - My Sweetie (http://www.myspace.com/wale)
13. Ghostface Killah - Charlie Brown RMX (http://www.myspace.com/ghostface)
14. Whitney Houston - Million Dollar Bill (http://www.myspace.com/whitneyhouston)
15. Wordsworth - Everybody (http://www.myspace.com/wordsworth)
16. Tone Trump - Wifey (http://www.myspace.com/tonetrump)
17. Princess of Controversy - D.O.A. RMX (Death of Automute) (http://www.myspace.com/princessofcontroversy)
18. A-Alikes - Get Along (http://www.AALikes.net)
19. Black Soultan - I Remember Love (http://www.myspace.com/bsai)
20. M.O.P. feat. Demarco - Street Life (http://www.mopuniverse.com)
21. DJ Rob A feat. MF Doom - She Still Got Dimples (http://www.ruggedsoul.com)
22. Jim Snooka feat. Young Vadah - That's My Word (http://www.myspace.com/jimsnooka)
Coast2Coast Bonus Tracks:
23. Rox - Danger
24. Illdotlogic - Hydroplane
Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes Official Website