Rick Ross Anti-Littering PSA for the City of Miami Gardens (formerly known as Carol City) - "Kids in the Park"

This Public Service Announcement (PSA) with Miami Hip-Hop MC Rick Ross won the National Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (KAB) Rogers' Public Service Announcement contest:

It's pretty nice to see a Hip-Hop cat like Rick Ross at least going forth to do multiple things to reach out to his local community though things like this and other activities through his non-profit organization, Rick Ross Charities.

We can feel whatever about folk's music content and style (art imitates life and vice versa), but I have to respect his grind and him doing things not just because a whole bunch of cameras will be following him or because he got caught up in trouble and needs to do a fancy public relations two-step move to deflect any issues.


Anonymous said...

I agree that it's good to give back voluntary but at the same time I feel like it's owed. I don't hate Rick Ross, but I hate that his music glorifies drugs. The drug dealers he shouts out had a major hand in bringing down Carol City/Miami Gardens. Don't get me wrong a lot of rappers talk about drugs, but it seem like every song that Ross has put out has something about selling drugs in it.

DJ Fusion/FuseBox Radio Broadcast said...


Thanks first off for checking the site. :)

I feel you on what you're saying - I'm not the biggest fan of Rick Ross' music, but unlike some Hip-Hop cats, he does feel something to give back while some of the folks who are doing the same sort of drug rap (or worse) won't even make an attempt to do community work and use their power to try to help.

I hope for him like I do others - that other subject matter will eventually enter in the music (or at least, all sides of the business are shown for some balance - that for the $ one can make, there is a lot of mess, usually unnecessary, one would deal with).

S.K. said...

uhhhh...this is not Carol City. I didn't see any drug dealers and no one with a gun.

This is a nice idea I guess. But that part of Miami is not concerned with no m--f--ing litter.

DJ Fusion/FuseBox Radio Broadcast said...

From what I heard from M.I.A. folks I know, that is supposed to be a pretty hectic area - but I dunno, never been there.

I appreciate Rick Ross' gesture - more can always come about and be done for the people, but I guess my idealist side says this is a start and step is a decent direction.