Interesting Links

This Picture of Eddie Murphy At His Birthday Party Is SO Wrong on SO Many Levels (Charm Bracelets & A "Pluto Nash" Cake ?!? O RLY)

Tuskgeehee Experiment 2008? Were Poor Blacks Misled About Enviornmental Sludge Tests in Baltimore and East St. Louis? (SMH At This Mess) - Black America Web

The Torture Memo - The Nation

Florida Legislature Makes Formal Apology For Slavery - The Final Call

Genetic Testing: Is Marketing Trumping the Science? - Newsweek

Zimbabwe Election Results Remain Hidden - CNN

Tear Down the Ghetto: The Price is Wrong - Black Agenda Report

Ethiopians Hail Halo Around The Sun As Election Day Miracle - BBC News

Cloudy With a Chance of Fabulous - RADAR Magazine

R. Kelly Is Truly A Damned Mess With This Promo Pic Pulling A Goldilocks For The Hood Action - A Hot Mess

Flavor Flav's Sitcom Is Not The Business - O Hell Nawl

Beyonce and Jay-Z Trying To Keep Wedding A Secret Still * sigh* - D-Listed

Radio Show Host Wendy Williams and Her Husband In Serious Trouble For Harrasment Suit - Bossip