Comedy: Munchies

Cake From The Release Party

Hey there folks,

Some of my peoples in New Jersey from Still Standing Productions directed and acted in this short film about the "interesting" affects of smoking weed/marijuana/grass/whatever you like to call it in your circle of folks.

It's called Munchies (title pretty much gives things away, doesn't it - heh).

The movie descrption is mad to the point:

A group of serious potheads gather for a friends birthday party only to discover there's no food.

To save folks from getting in trouble at the 9 to 5, its a bit NSFW due to language (not safe for work).

Check it out, hit them and us up, let folks know what you think and hopefully enjoy:

Still Standing Productions Presents: Munchies

Still Standing Productions Official MySpace Page

Cast and Writer/Director of Munchies