Vote in the Southern Entertainment Awards!

What's up and FuseBox Radio Broadcast family,

Hope the start of the week is going well.

A lot of my peoples have been nominated for the Southern Entertainment Awards (SEAs), so whenever you get the chance, PLEASE hit up their website here and give a vote - the voting period ends soon.

Description of the SEAs from their website:

Welcome to the hottest awards show in the South! Headquartered in Nashville, TN, the Southern Entertainment Awards is here to represent for those responsible for contributing to the growth of southern music. We highlight the accomplishments of the top DJ's, Producers, Recording Artists, Labels, Websites, Retail Stores, Models and Clothing companies in the SOUTH. Our awards show is designed to give credit to those left out by other award shows, and also to shine light on independent artists, but the south as a whole.

Thanks alot! :)
