DJ Fusion as a grown woman (even being short as all get out at 5 feet even) at 30 years old...dang, time flies...
Just had to give myself a shoutout as it were for making it to 30 years old this year after what's been an..."interesting" life and The Higher Power for being able to grow mentally and physically upward during the years. :)
Thanks SO much for supporting us over here at BlackRadioIsBack.com and the syndicated FuseBox Radio Broadcast throughout the years - all of the folks listening, reading and spreading the word of what we're doing is a blessing and hopefully, will continue into the future.
I hope everyone has a great New Year for 2009 and many more to come!

Happy New Birthday Year!!! Make it a good one and lets vow to find a way to work together more in 2009.
Free Promo For Help
I run numerous Blogs,Forums and Music sites. I was looking for some help from people in exchange for free promotion.
I need help updating them with fresh material while I submit it to directories and redesign the forums and new sites.
Other blogs and forums ban people left and right. Including me! I will allow you to advertise within reason. Ill need some moderators soon too but for now i'm looking for press releases and link exchanges. If your just a fan and want to write thats even better.
Coming Soon
Any help will be appreciated and will help the movement.
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