For all of my Hip-Hop folks, if you aren't living in the DC Metro area, I'm sure the term "DMV" (DC, Maryland and Virginia) is being driven more and more into people's heads as time has gone by this year (especially with Wale dropping his Attention Deficit album next week - if the 'net leak is accurate, a pretty fly project worthy of copping at the REAL store, not just zShare).
There as always been a great deal of talent in the DC Metro area Hip-Hop wise, even though the area is more known currently internationally for Go-Go music (still a mainstay & influence on all sorts of music genres on various artists).
I've always been a person to get sold on music folks by seeing them perform live (all sorts of studio magic f***ery can make your grandpa sound dope & energetic now) as well as checking out albums, mixtapes, etc. to find out whose worthy of my respect, co-signage and bi-weekly dollars in terms of my support.
DC representative MC & producer Southeast Slim gets the BlackRadioIsBack.com/FuseBox Radio stamp of approval on all levels and in my opinion, is one of those whose up next for deserved fame.
Representing the Southeast area of DC, the former Virgina State University student Southeast Slim has been doing his thing behind the boards and on stage for major since 2001 on the solo ends, with the EMP (Empire of Money & Power) collective and independent label/production house Hitter Quitter Records.
He has that balance of both putting out consistent solid music releases, does not have to depend on guest appearances to make a dope song (while he does get nice ones like Wale, UCB, etc. it's not that necessary) & with a really hardcore work ethic (sometimes, both don't seem to blend the way they should in latter day Hip-Hop) that should hopefully pay off in the future.
Grab up some of the free music downloads from to see what's good with Southeast Slim (including his recent mixtape, The Medium and some new singles) as well as viewing some the videos below to see him in action.
When y'all get the chance, let us know what you think...hope you enjoy everything!
Download Link
BlackRadioIsBack.com's Favorite Tracks: So Sick, We On, Everybody Know, Shake Ya Plaits, Where Is Everybody
Southeast Slim feat. C The Rapper (The Hitter Quitter Boyz) - My City mp3 Download
Bonus Music Video #1: Southeast Slim - Everybody Know
"Everybody Know" Southeast Slim from ACPMEDIA.TV on Vimeo.
FREE MUSIC: Southeast Slim - Everybody Know mp3 Download
Bonus Music Video #2: Southeast Slim feat. Wale, UCB & Da Originalz - Shake Ya Plaits
Southeast Slim "Shake Ya Plaits" from ACPMEDIA.TV on Vimeo.
FREE MUSIC: Southeast Slim feat. Wale, UCB & Da Originalz - Shake Ya Plaits mp3 Download
Bonus Music Video #3: Southeast Slim - Nike Boots RMX (Live at DC9)
Southeast Slim Official Blog: Southeast Central
Southeast Slim Official Website: Hitter Quitter Records
Southeast Slim Official Twitter Page
Southeast Slim Official MySpace Page

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