Capitol CannaShow (2016): FuseBox Radio x Photo Essay

On Saturday, February 20, 2016, the FuseBox Radio Broadcast and crew headed to the historic Mayflower Hotel for the first annual Capitol CannaShow.

This month marks the first anniversary of the legalization (well, do a degree...since federal rules and whatnot are still in effect...we can at least call it the decriminalization of use) of marijuana in Washington, DC, so this event was ready made for the large audience of people in the area who attended - everyone from folks who are just curious about cannabis in general, medical users, hardcore recreational users/growers, folks interested in getting into the (straight up legal to kinda, sorta, maybe) sides of business, those with interest in government policy and more were all in the mix throughout the day.

The Capitol CannaShow had a diverse and interesting mix of speakers and seminars throughout the day, featuring those who got caught up in archaic American drug laws (on the police AND criminal sides regarding "The War On Drugs" with Neill Franklin of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and David Vickerson, author of 37 Tons), individuals who changed laws in their states for the distribution of cannabis (Adam Eidinger, the founder of Capitol Hemp who helped get the legalization ball rolling in D.C. with putting 1-71 on the ballot in D.C. and Alaska's Charlo Greene), how to get into the multiple aspects of business of marijuana (especially for American minority populations, who when the new monetary revenues from the past few years of legal changes have been occurring have not getting their fair piece of the pie) and more.

Overall, this was a really solid event with the programming, vendors and exhibitors who came through along with fair pricing for those who came in (usually, these types of events that mix business, education and recreation tend to cost quite a bit).  Hopefully, there will be more events like this in the D.C. Metro area along with legal changes throughout the years for ultimate marijuana legalization throughout the country.

For more information on the Capitol CannaShow, visit their official website at!

** All pictures taken by Mary Nichols (DJ Fusion/FuseBox Radio Broadcast) under a "Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivatives" license. Please feel free to use & share them if you wish with attribution/credit to the photographer (besides these pictures, there are plenty more from this event [over 20+] and others over at the official FuseBox Radio Broadcast's Flickr Page and Behance/Prosite Page) ... thank you! **