Interesting Links

Barack Obama Gives Hillary Clinton The "O RLY?" Side Eye To Let Folks Know What's Good

The Cost of Fighting Torture: Human Rights Activists Face Charges For Protest At School Of The Americas - The Nation

People of Color Face Historic Wealth Loss
- Black Agenda Report

U.S. Presidential Election: Barack Obama Wins Decisively in South Carolina Primary - Black America Web

Scientists: Humans Have Forced Earth Into New Geologic Epoch - Yahoo

Weird Science: Self-Assembling Bionic Eyes Coming Soon -

WTF News: NYPD Handcuffs 5 Year Old and Sends To Psych Ward After They Misbehaved in Class (SMH) - NY Daily News

Music Industry Weighs Giving Away Music - NY Post

Heavy D., Kane, & Doug E. Fresh Planning Tour -

''The Wire'' Holds Auction For Baltimore Charity, Gets Help From Lupe Fiasco & Q-Tip

Beyoncé to Play Etta James in Movie - Huh? -

WTF at Kelly Rowlands Peacock Leotard Wear - D-Listed

Flavor Flav Rocks The Don King and Some Other Crazy Ish - Crunk + Disorderly

Diana Ross Booed in Jamaica for Wack Performance - EURWeb

White Folks Gossip: Westboro Baptist Church Going To Act Up At Actor Heath Ledger's Funeral (SMH) - Fatback and Collards