Interesting Links

Michael Jackson's "Biological" Children: They Could Be, But It Sure Looks Suspect (Picture from

Babies Awash In Toxic Chemicals Via Shampoo? - MSNBC

U.S. President George Bush Puts Out Biggest Budget EVER: $3.1 Trillion - Yahoo

U.S. Presidential Election #1: Networks Ignore Gulf Coast in Debates - Black Agenda Report

U.S. Presidential Election #2: 22 States Gear Up For Super Tuesday Primary Elections - NY Daily News

U.S. Presidential Election #3: An Unreasonable Man May Run Again (Ralph Nader Come Back?) - The Nation

Can the New Leaders Get Some Elbow Room? - The Root

How Accurate Are D.C.'s Police And Fire Dispatchers? - Washington City Paper

WTF News: Self-Medicating With AIDS Drugs? - Time Magazine

Football Stunner: NY Giants Win Superbowl and Stop New England Patriots Winning Streak - CNN

Broken Glory: What Happens To Football Players After The Glory and The Injuries? - Washington Post Magazine

The Boondocks Episodes Criticizing BET Has Been Officially Pulled from the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim Roster - African American Political Pundit

Lauryn Hill Gives Birth to 5th Child - Bossip

Is This Why Montel Was Fired? - Rhymes With Snitch

Mitt Romney Is Like Mad Hood Yo, Dog! (SMH At This Pandering A** Mess) -

Can I Have Some Of That Hannah Montana Gwop In My Pockets Please? F*** New Age Hip-Hop $ - D-Listed