Embedded is a six-part music documentary special that's from the cable channel Current TV which shows known & up and coming music artists from all types of genres what happens in their creative process, business and life in general for the masses to check out.
The show goes through behind-the-scenes footage, conversation, interviews and performances at different international locales to make this happen in the best way possible.
Check out the first of these 45 min. documentaries focusing on Hip-Hop MC, Singer & Actor Mos Def doing his thing in Japan and let us know what you think when you have the chance...hope you enjoy it!
Video: Mos Def on Current Music's Embedded TV Show: Embedded with Mos Def in Japan
If you like this episode of Embedded, it airs live every Wednesday after the journalism series Vanguard at 11 p.m. ET/PT for those folks who have Current TV on their local cable stations and the archives can be seen on the Current TV website at http://www.Current.com/Embedded.
Here is the programming schedule & music artists for the rest of the upcoming Embedded TV Episodes:
October 21st - Silversun Pickups/K’Naan/Arcade Fire
October 28st - Ben Harper/Nick Harmer (Death Cab)/Fleet Foxes
November 4th - Common/Lykke Li/ Bloc Party
November 11th - Thievery Corp/Amanda Palmer/Delta Spirit
November 18th - Decemberists/Passion Pit/Bon Iver

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