D.C. Emancipation Day Concert 2014: FuseBox Radio Broadcast x BlackRadioIsBack.com Pictures

Hey there FuseBox Radio Broadcast & BlackRadioIsBack.com peoples! 

Just wanted to share some pictures that were taken during this year's D.C. Emancipation Day "Message In The Music" concert in Washington, DC at Freedom Plaza on Wednesday, April 16, 2014. 

For those not familiar with the day, Emancipation Day is a tradition that began in 1866 in Washington, DC that commemorates Abraham Lincoln’s signing of the DC Compensated Emancipation Act.  

The annual celebration came back in full force about 150 years later, in 2002 when the Council of the District of Columbia commemorated April 16th as a private holiday.   

About 3 years later,  Councilmember Vincent Orange Sr.’s legislation on July 9th, 2004 made Emancipation Day a public holiday, giving city employees a free day off and 2005 was the first year that it was celebrated as an official city holiday in the nation’s capital.

Hope that you enjoy all of the great performers, scenery and crowd on display! :)
 - DJ Fusion (FuseBox Radio Broadcast) 

 ** All pictures taken by Mary Nichols (DJ Fusion/FuseBox Radio Broadcast) under a "Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivatives" license. Please feel free to use & share them if you wish with attribution to the photographer...thank you! **

Talib Kweli

Raheem DeVaughn

Live Artwork of Pres. Lincoln on Stage

Lead Singer of Black Alley In The Sunshine

Brian Lenair

Some of the D.C. Emancipation Day Concert Audience

D.C. Councilman Vincent Orange

More of the D.C. Emancipation Day Concert Audience

2 Folks in the D.C. Emancipation Day Concert Audience Ready To Dance & Pose

Talib Kweli On The Mic

MC Lyte

Speech of Arrested Development 

DJ Kool & MC Lyte

Young Kids Doing The Dougie

Doug E. Fresh

Dancer/Singer With Arrested Development

Doug E. Fresh & Trumpter

J. Ivy

Speech of Arrested Development

Some of the D.C. Emancipation Day Concert Audience

Lead Singer of Black Alley

DJ Kool

MC Lyte

Doug E. Fresh
