Says Whut? - Ray J's Mixtape Cover

Jacked from Rhymes With Snitch

I don't give a s*** WHO chose this cover, if this is actually real...people need to STOP IT for 2 reasons:

1. The thing you're most known for is hitting a big a**ed white woman from the back on some psuedo-Mandingo stereotype stuff (and from what I heard from folks who peeped the porno, boring as all get out).

2. Whoever freeze framed that and put it on the "painting with pastels Van Gogh" setting with the crazy font needs to be demoted from "intern" status to some other low serving position.

If folks want to hear some of the music from dude, check the last posting we did - still haven't listened to Ray J joints yet and this pretty much seals the "Hell No" deal for me.

Now that I have been truly mortified, I'm going to watch Family Guy and call it a night.


SupremeAntBee said...

I'm with you, I have never knowingly listened to anything by this muhfugga, and I certainly won't be anytime soon. People will do anything for fame and notoriety and the almighty dollar!

DJ Fusion/FuseBox Radio Broadcast said...

Hey there folk,

Glad to see ya up on the site! :)

Yeah, Ray J is trying to get to bottom b**** status and its really not a good look for him.

And it's a MIXTAPE! I'm kind of doubting thta ol' boy is even making any direct loot off of this while Kay Slay is counting his ends.

SMH all around