Shameless Self-Promotion: Got To Represent on the BBC's World Have Your Say Program!

What's up everyone,

Earlier today, the and syndicated FuseBox Radio Broadcast family was blessed to represent with the British Broadcasting System (BBC) on their World Have Your Say Radio Program to give our viewpoint with folks all over the world about Senator Barack Obama's political victory in the U.S. and it's impact in U.S. and International Black History.

Click here to check out more details on the topic and feedback on the official BBC World Have Your Say Radio Program's website.

When the show is placed on the podcast archives in the next few days by the BBC, we will definitely post the link up here on the radio site and hopefully up in there somewhere, you can hear your girl DJ Fusion saying some solid and coherent things about things on the show for a few minutes.

Thanks to Magda Qandil and Lin Liu over at the BBC World Service for taking the time to check us out here at and reaching out to have our participation!


Anonymous said...

I'm Mark, the ed of WHYS - thank YOU for taking part and making a strong debate even stronger.
It would seem that the people who responded to our programme (from Africa, the Caribbean and Europe) may have disagreed about how big a deal Sen Obama's nomination was, but everyone seemed pretty happy.
And the podcast should be up there already :
all the best- and thanks again